Tuesday 20.10.09 Espinama Forest

Espinama is submerged in a densely wooded valley of beech and oak. It is blustery and wet today so we head for the woods in hope of finding a sheltered walk. The main focus at the start of our walk is a view of the enormous amphitheatre of rock that shadows the Northern end of the valley around Fuente De. The forest itself reveals: chaffinch, marsh tit, blackcap, great spotted, possible black woodpecker and a pair of red deer.
Later that night Jose fetches us to witness the strange sight of a red deer stag, a five pointer, stubbornly standing in the river while two park guards bang rocks and crack sticks around it in an attempt to drive it back into the forest. It is uncomfortable to watch this regal animal so indignantly treated as the guards resort to physically pushing it back through the undergrowth. After the two guards have disappeared with the stag into the forest gloom, Jose shows us photos of an equally magnificent animal that had wondered into the town and stood outside his door the previous year. The morning after these photos were taken, he tells us, the stag’s decapitated body was found in the river, its head plundered as a trophy.
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